What it means to be a missionary in Hong Kong today
Alfred Deignan SJ
One day when talking to a layman friend, he spoke with real appreciation saying, ““Father, we admire you missionaries , who have left your country, families, relatives and friends to come to Hong Kong and work among us, learning our difficult language.” This kind of appreciation and gratitude is part of our consolation and encouragement, which we receive from people we meet and work with.
Jesus said ““I came not to be served but to serve”. Yes, to serve -this is what it means to me as a missionary in
I am happy that in God’s providence I was assigned to
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Christ’s call ““Go and teach all nations ““is a call to missionaries and of course to all Catholics. Our answer is ““Here I am Lord, send me.” The Irish Jesuits have played an important role in the evangelization of the Chinese people and they are very grateful. Let us continue to pray for the millions of Chinese people who have yet to know Christ.