Witnesses of Friendship and Reconciliation

Fr Frans alone in ruins
Fr Frans Van der Lugt SJ, a Dutch Jesuit who was killed in Homs, Syria in April 2014

Far from the media’s spotlight, the Jesuits and their courageous co-workers serve at the frontiers of war and violence. Risking their lives daily, they reach out humbly and persistently for the peace and reconciliation of Christ.

They are not forgotten. A touching letter of support and appreciation was written by their fellow Jesuits from all over the world at the General Congregation 36 of the Society of Jesus in Rome. The Irish Jesuit Missions would like to share this heartfelt message with you, our readers and supporters.

Fr Frans Van der Lugt SJ refused to leave his beloved Syrian people during the siege of Homs:”A shepherd does not leave his sheep”. The Irish Jesuit Missions commemorated his death with this video produced in partnership with SwanSong Films Ltd.


Author: General Congregation 36 delegates, November 2016