Category: News

Support in Kangemi Slum

Kangemi Slum on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya is home to more than 100,000 people, who live in makeshift dwellings of cardboard, tin or plastic, with five or six...

Ugandan Restrictions Severe

In Uganda, where most of the population works in the informal economy, the Covid-19 lockdown has had severe consequences, leaving people in need of income and food.

Refugee Women Make Face Masks

There are many difficulties in preventing the spread of Covid-19 in refugee camps and settlements, where people are in close proximity with limited access to water, and...

A Home from Home

Katie Mars from Doylestown, Pennsylvania worked with Irish Jesuit Missions as a Programmes Support Officer until the Covid-19 pandemic put an untimely end to her stay in Ireland. She...

Kakuma Camp Prepares for Covid-19

Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya has no reported cases of Covid-19 yet, and measures are being put in place to mitigate its impact.

Updates on JRS Covid-19 Response

People all around the world share our own anxiety and frustrations about the Covid-19 crisis. But in some countries, poverty means choosing between hunger and the risk of being infected...

Risk Communication in South Sudan

The Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) South Sudan current contribution to the Covid-19 response in Maban is one of accompaniment - visitation and knowledge-sharing - with the most vulnerable people...

Fr James Hurley SJ Obituary

The obituary of Fr James Hurley SJ, who died peacefully on 13th April in Cherryfield Lodge Nursing Home, Dublin. He is sadly missed by his Jesuit colleagues worldwide,...

Covid-19 in India

Louie Albert SJ of JRS South Asia shares his insights about the effect of Covid-19 on India's daily-wage earners, migrants and refugees. While the official count of infected persons...

Covid-19: A Global Village

"As I sit in my garden shed at 5am in the morning to start my workday with our overseas partners, I can’t help thinking how this pandemic has brought...

‘Social Distancing’ in Refugee Camps

A news report sent to us by our colleagues in JRS South Asia exposes the hardship that refugees face in adhering to Coronavirus prevention guidelines. "Fear grips the mind...

If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?

Michael J. Kelly SJ, who is based in Lusaka, Zambia reflects on how the Coronavirus pandemic, like the crises before it, will be transformed into bright hope. "When I...