Category: News

Schoolgirl solidarity

Girls laugh as they hold chalkboard tablets in a primary school in Bunj, South Sudan, sponsored by JRS. (Paul Jeffrey/Misean Cara) One of our youngest donors, 12-year-old Sarah from...

Gratitude for Second Chance at Life

  Irish couple Martin and Laura gave the gift of computers to a school in northern Uganda and are regular donors of Irish Jesuit Missions. Their generosity is a...

Xavier Network in Lisbon

  Members of the Xavier Network (XN) met in Portugal from 4th to 6th of October for a three-day workshop on Supporting XN Partners in Child Safeguarding. The workshop...

Winter Blankets for Syrian Refugees

  Winter nights are cold and dark, and it’s a relief to come home to a warm house. For refugee children in Lebanon, cold weather makes it even harder...

Goodbye to a Dear Friend

We are sad to share the news that our beloved friend and colleague Winnie Ryan has died. She was a warm and positive person, who will be remembered for...

Will Civil Unrest in Malawi Affect Dzaleka?

People living in Dzaleka Refugee Camp have fled from conflict in their own countries to the stability of Malawi. But a contested election result has now caused civil unrest...

South Sudan Emergency Appeal

Devastating flash floods have displaced thousands of people in Maban, South Sudan, where Irish Jesuit Tony O’Riordan SJ and his team in the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) are based....

Zambians Fight for their Rights

  People living in poor, rural communities in Zambia are not informed about their rights to demand access to health services, clean water and better schools. A project run...

Nobody is too Poor to Give Time

  “In looking ahead, it’s good to look back!” says Kenneth Simalalo SJ, Head Teacher of Loyola Jesuit Secondary School, Malawi, as he reflects on the last ten years...

Protecting Peace and the Natural Environment

  The Hekima Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations (HIPSIR) in Nairobi, Kenya, was started in 2004 to respond to social and environmental issues. It is involved in...

Tilt the World on its Axis

  Noelle Fitzpatrick is the new Country Director for JRS South Sudan and has previously worked with Irish Jesuit Missions and the Xavier Network. In this article she looks...

New Library for St Ignatius School

  A new library for a Jesuit school in Lusaka will help to close the education gap in Zambia, helping its students to fulfil their potential. St Ignatius College...