Category: News

Jesuit Hakimani Centre

Niall Leahy at Hakimani Centre Kenya

Niall Leahy SJ from Leitrim worked in Nairobi at the Jesuit Hakimani Centre (JHC) a centre for social concern.

Fr. Orobator lecture, October 2013

The Pope Paul VI annual lecture was given by Fr. Agbinkhianmeghe E. Orobator SJ at King’s College London with a talk entitled ““A Billion Reasons to believe in Africa:...
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the Common Good in Zambia

A paper by Fr. Leonard Chiti SJ “Human dignity and the common good are two central pillars of Catholic Social Teaching.”

Pope Francis on Mission Sunday

The Catholic Church marked its Mission Sunday on Oct. 20 in most dioceses of the world.

Fr. Alfred Deignan

Jesuit glad to have answered the call Father Alfred Deignan has dedicated his life to educating youngsters in Hong Kong
Healing a broken world image

Healing a broken world

The Church has been insisting on the need for us to collaborate in the efforts to preserve the environment, writes Fr. Patxi Álvarez SJ.
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Sandymount Matero Friendship update

The community in Sandymount in Dublin are continuing to build a ‘friendship programme’ with Matero Parish in Lusaka in Zambia.

Mission Month October 2013

October is Mission Month October is Mission Month. Pope Francis recalls the many missionaries “who proclaim the Gospel despite great obstacles”.

Unspeakable persecution, Robin Harris

David Cameron will almost certainly get his Syrian war. Who will fight it, let alone who will win it, remains unclear. But who will lose it is already known...
Loyola Secondary School Kasungu Malawi

Kasungu Secondary School Malawi

Loyola Jesuit Secondary School (JLSS) in Malawi!  When Fr. John Guiney SJ of the Irish Jesuit Mission Office visited Kasungu in August, he saw what was an empty field...

Irish Jesuit celebrates 100th birthday!

Irish Jesuit Joe Mallin celebrates his 100th birthday on Friday 13 September. Joe’s father, Commandant Michael Mallin was executed by the British after the 1916 Rising. He was second...

Missionaries in Collins Barracks

The Jesuit Mission Office had a get together with some of our missionaries, visitors and friends at Collins Barracks Museum on Thursday 22 August. This is the fifth year...