The Girls for Girls (G4G) project supports girls in Nigeria with school uniforms, school shoes, books, pen, pencils and other learning materials.

Agal looks forward to Christmas

“My name is Agal Yunuwa, I am 13 years old and I am in Junior Secondary School in Askira Uba, Borno State. My parents are both farmers with seven...

World AIDS Day: Save Lives this Christmas

Marked globally on December 1st – World AIDs Day is a day for advocacy and championing the rights of all people regardless of sex, sexual orientation or ethnicity. Since...
Violet sits at her desk writing. She is wearing her school uniform.

Violet’s Joy this Christmas

This Christmas season is a time to reflect on the blessings that have come from people like you.   Violet is 15 years old and living in Kangemi slums, Nairobi....
Food aid from a humanitarian truck is being sorted by JRS aid worker.

Lebanon: The Need is Growing by the Hour

As the conflict in the Middle East escalates, tens of thousands of families are fleeing their homes, desperately seeking safety. Life-saving emergency aid is being provided by Fr. Daniel...

Lebanon Appeal on World Food Day

In the midst of war, thousands are displaced, wounded and hungry. Since 2013, JRS Lebanon has assisted displaced families through home visits, accompaniment, education and the distribution of emergency...
women farmers tend to their plant nursey in Cueicok, South Sudan

Disaster Risk Reduction Day 2024

This year’s theme is focused on the role of education in ‘protecting and empowering youth for a disaster-free future’ (UN). Thanks to your support we are empowering marginalised communities...
Agal stands outside her home smiling to the camera. She is in her school uniform.

International Day of the Girl: Agal’s Story

October 11th marks International Day of the Girl, which signifies the disproportionate challenges todays generation of girls must face across the globe. From period poverty to discrimination and violence,...
Teacher looks over students with chalkboards in an outdoor lesson.

World Teacher Day 2024: Teacher-training in South Sudan

In 2023, an estimated 2.8 million children were out of school in South Sudan disadvantaged by poverty and displacement. War in Sudan and localised violence means the lives and...
adults take literacy classes under the shade of a tree in South Sudan.

World Literacy Day 2024

Thanks to your generosity last year, 47,405 vulnerable people across Africa and the Middle East received access to quality education programmes at nursery, primary, secondary, vocational level and teacher...
a peaceful Gaza solidarity demonstrator holds sign that reads: "Dear future grandkids, we didn't look away. We didn't stay quiet"

World Humanitarian Day: Bystander crisis

On our television screens, our smartphones and in the headlines, we are living in a time where crisis is being documented in real-time from news reporters and those experiencing...
youth climate activists pose with sign demanding climate action, Malawi

World Youth Day 2024: Climate Champions!

This World Youth Day, we are showcasing the passionate advocacy work of African youth, who are bringing their energy and skills to bring positive change to their communities. Partnered...
children working farm with organic manure

The future is in soil!

When we think of climate action often we focus on the skies and the greenhouse affect causing rising temperatures and sea levels but it is important to look down...