Tag: JRS East Africa

A family travel to Renk by donkey.

World Education Day: Empowering Refugees in Renk

The war in Sudan continues to ravage the lives of thousands of people. Military violence and bombing campaigns have displaced families and those who are fortunate enough to flee,...
Teachers training. Two men sit at a school desk looking over a paper or textbook

World Teacher Day 2023

World Teachers’ Day has been celebrated since 1996 and it commemorates the anniversary of the adoption of the 1966 UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers (you can read that:...

International Literacy Day 2023

UNESCO celebrates International Literacy Day (ILD) on the 8th September each year and marks the importance of education, especially literacy and numeracy skills.  This year’s theme is focused on...
Catherine and Santuki pose for photo outside aid distribution station.

Sudan: Refugee Journeys

Catherine (40) and Santuki (49) are South Sudanese and had been living in Sudan since they fled South Sudan back in 2016 when violence and ethnic conflict had gripped...

Ngongo’s story: Jewels that dream of the Congo

Ngongo is a 52-year-old Congolese refugee living in Nairobi. He escaped the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in early 2000, running away from political persecution as he belongs to...

The Work of Many Hands

Mikono Refugee Craft Shop has been badly affected by the lack of tourism in Kenya. The shop sells high quality craft items to support people from a refugee background....

Impact of Flood Relief in Maban

From July to October 2019, Maban in South Sudan experienced flooding at a severity not witnessed since the early 1980s. Families from both refugee and host communities in the...

JRS South Sudan Rises to the Challenge

"A lot of good work is ongoing here, despite the continued closure of all institutes of learning, which of course impacts us significantly. We have been forced to consider...

Kakuma Safe Haven

In Kakuma Refugee Camp, JRS provides a refuge and psychosocial support in their Safe Haven centre for the most at-risk and traumatised people within this community, including girls escaping...

JRS Responds to Ethiopian Refugees

Ethiopia hosts the second-largest number of refugees in Africa, after Uganda. IJM and Misean Cara are funding a Covid-19 emergency response by the Jesuit Refugee Service(JRS) in Ethiopia, which...

Lockdown Left Many Ugandans Hungry

In Uganda, the Covid-19 lockdown has had devastating effects on the lives of the population, leaving people without a way to make an income and...

Ugandan Restrictions Severe

In Uganda, where most of the population works in the informal economy, the Covid-19 lockdown has had severe consequences, leaving people in need of income and food.