Tag: South Sudan

image shows Emmanuel in the radio sound booth speaking into the mic in front of him

Radio Day 2025: Community Radio in South Sudan

Where satellite signal is rare and electricity unreliable,  for many communities in the global south, radio is the best means of communication for connection and staying informed about what...
A family travel to Renk by donkey.

World Education Day: Empowering Refugees in Renk

The war in Sudan continues to ravage the lives of thousands of people. Military violence and bombing campaigns have displaced families and those who are fortunate enough to flee,...

Let it GLOW

Mary Henry facilitates the GLOW Program in South Sudan – Girls Learn their Own Worth (GLOW). She graduated from the Jesuit Loyola Secondary School (LSS) in Wau following her...
women farmers tend to their plant nursey in Cueicok, South Sudan

Disaster Risk Reduction Day 2024

This year’s theme is focused on the role of education in ‘protecting and empowering youth for a disaster-free future’ (UN). Thanks to your support we are empowering marginalised communities...
Teacher looks over students with chalkboards in an outdoor lesson.

World Teacher Day 2024: Teacher-training in South Sudan

In 2023, an estimated 2.8 million children were out of school in South Sudan disadvantaged by poverty and displacement. War in Sudan and localised violence means the lives and...
adults take literacy classes under the shade of a tree in South Sudan.

World Literacy Day 2024

Thanks to your generosity last year, 47,405 vulnerable people across Africa and the Middle East received access to quality education programmes at nursery, primary, secondary, vocational level and teacher...
Batika, a refugee, poses for photo inside a tent in Renk with her children.

Refugee Crisis: Witnessing the unimaginable

It’s hard to imagine being uprooted and forced to flee your home. The every day to day routines, of school-runs and commuting to work, of grocery shopping and that...
boy smiling outside tent in Renk refugee camp.

World Refugee Day: At the Frontiers

This week we have been sharing stories from people facing the unimaginable. Without YOUR help, supporting the lives of brave and resilient mothers, fathers and families couldn’t be possible...
Refugee women hold baby outside their tent in refugee camp in Renk, South Sudan

Shared Refugee Stories: Escaping Militia

Rebecca (30) and Martha (65) like, so many others, fled Sudan when civil war broke out spreading from the capital. Both women are South Sudanese and fled south to...
school girl gazes to camera. she stands outside in her uniform with her classmates.

Menstrual Hygiene Day 2024

Millions of women and girls around the world are prevented from reaching their full potential. Just because they menstruate. The 28th of May is a day to unite in...

Together we can make sure this crisis cannot be forgotten

I’m in Renk, South Sudan, in what is known as the transit centre, an enclosed space that receives those fleeing violence in Sudan, a conflict that still rages on....

The Gift of a Bike

This Lent we are supporting teachers in getting to school and women farmers getting to the market. In South Sudan, generations have not had the chance to go to...